Registry / Lista Casamento
Sua presença já é nosso maior presente, mas agradecemos desde já a intenção de nos presentear! Para convidados brasileiros, fizemos uma lista de contribuições para nossa lua de mel, e uma lista na loja de design brasileiro Boobam, para quem prefere presentes físicos:
We know you are coming from far away and mean it when we say, your presence is already the best gift. Yet, for anyone who would like to gift us something in U.S. dollars, we have created a list of household items to finally graduate from our mismatched Ikea household!
German/ European Guests
Finally, for any German/ European guests, we are also so grateful with your presence and that is the best gift! Still, if you would like to gift us something, we have created a short wishlist at Alessi, the Italian design shop. You can find our wedding gift list at their Munich shop, or can also purchase over the phone.
Eure Anwesenheit ist das grösste Geschenk für uns! Solltet ihr uns noch etwas anderes schenken wollen, haben wir eine kleine Wunschliste bei Alessi in München erstellt. Die Wunschliste ist hinterlegt (oder kann telefonisch bestellt warden) in dem Geschäft.
Fünf Höfe, Theatinerstrasse 15, 80333 München
Tel: 089-20001-380